Εργασία: Ανάπτυξη δικτύου δημοσίων χώρων στη Γούβα
Πατρών συμπεριλαμβανομένων παρεμβάσεων στο τεχνικό έργο της οδού Κανακάρη
Φοιτήτρια: Μαρία Σαξώνη
Επιβλέπων Καθηγητής: Ηλίας Κωνσταντόπουλος
Σχολή: Πανεπιστήμιο
Πατρών, 2022
Έναυσμα για να ασχοληθώ με την περιοχή της
Γούβας αποτέλεσε ένας περίπατος από το σπίτι μου προς το κέντρο της πόλης. Διανύοντας
το τμήμα της οδού Κανακάρη που διατρέχει την περιοχή αυτή, το πρώτα πράγμα που
παρατηρεί κανείς είναι οι τοίχοι αντιστήριξης του λόφου, δύο ογκώδεις, πολύ-επίπεδες
τσιμεντένιες κατασκευές. Ενδιάμεσα, εμφανίζονται κατάλοιπα του λόφου, πεζοδρόμια
ασύνδετα με το δρόμο, με αρκετές υψομετρικές διακυμάνσεις, καθιστώντας την οδό,
μη προσβάσιμη για άτομα με ειδικές ανάγκες, αλλά και μια πιθανότατα κουραστική
διαδρομή για τον πεζό. Αυτή η κατάσταση των μη αξιοποιημένων και μη διαμορφωμένων
υποδομών και χώρων γενικότερα, ήταν που αρχικά κίνησε το ενδιαφέρον μου για
την περιοχή της Γούβας.
Το τμήμα Αγ. Σοφίας-Πουκεβίλ της οδού
Κανακάρη αποτελεί ένα νέο σχετικά τμήμα, του οποίου η διάνοιξη ολοκληρώθηκε το
2017, στα πλαίσια ενός συνολικότερου πλάνου αναδιοργάνωσης και διαμόρφωσης των κεντρικών οδικών
αξόνων που συνδέουν το κέντρο της πόλης με τις γειτονικές του περιοχές. Πέραν,
ωστόσο, από τη διάνοιξη της Κανακάρη το υπόλοιπο σχέδιο δεν εφαρμόστηκε.
Το 2014 ο Δήμος ξεκίνησε έργα για την αστική
ανάπλαση της Γούβας, με σκοπό τη δημιουργία ενός «Δικτύου περιπάτου» με
πεζοδρόμους, ποδηλατοδρόμους και κοινόχρηστους υπαίθριους χώρους. Ωστόσο, το
σχέδιο του έργου δεν εφαρμόστηκε πλήρως, με αποτέλεσμα οι υπάρχοντες πεζόδρομοι
να είναι πολύ λιγότεροι από τους αρχικά σχεδιασμένους .Έτσι, οι κοινόχρηστοι και
ταυτόχρονα εύχρηστοι χώροι της περιοχής είναι λίγοι και συγκεκριμένα οι εξής: η
πλατεία της Γούβας, ο προαύλιος χώρος του ναού του Αγίου Φανουρίου και ορισμένα
διαμορφωμένα σημεία της ανάπλασης, τα οποία ωστόσο είτε φαίνεται να μην
χρησιμοποιούνται ιδιαίτερα, είτε καταλαμβάνονται από αυτοκίνητα, εξαιτίας της
έλλειψης χώρων στάθμευσης στην περιοχή. Τέλος, παρόλο που η Γούβα περιβάλλεται
από τον λόφο του Δασυλλίου, δεν διαθέτει ολοκληρωμένα μονοπάτια που να οδηγούν σε
αυτόν, καθιστώντας τον ένα απόλυτο όριο που την απομονώνει σημαντικά από την
Βέβαια, οι χώροι αυτοί είναι λειτουργικοί,
μόνον όταν το επιτρέπουν οι καιρικές συνθήκες, καθώς είναι υπαίθριοι.
Αντιθέτως, η ύπαρξη ημι-υπαίθριων, στεγασμένων χώρων, η οποία απουσιάζει πλήρως
από την πόλη των Πατρών θα συνέβαλε στη χρήση του δημόσιου χώρου της όλο το
χρόνο, μια ανάγκη που υπάρχει ιδιαίτερα διότι ως φοιτητική πόλη, υπάρχουν σε αυτή
πολλές ομάδες και νέος κόσμος που αναζητά χώρο για τις δραστηριότητές του. Η
δημιουργία ενός δικτύου δημοσίων χώρων στην περιοχή της Γούβας θα συνέβαλε στην
κάλυψη της ανάγκης αυτής.
Diploma Thesis:
Development of a network of public spaces in Gouva, Patras, including
interventions in the technical project of Kanakari street
Maria Saxoni
Elias Constantopoulou
University: Patras
School of Architecture
The subject of this diploma thesis is the
development of a network of public spaces in Gouva, Patras.
The trigger to deal with the area of Gouva was a walk from my
house to the city center. Crossing the part of Kanakari Street that runs
through this area, the first thing to be noticed is the retaining walls of the
hill, two bulky, multi-level concrete structures. In between, thereare remnants of the hill,
sidewalks unconnected to the road, with several elevation variations, making
the street inaccessible for people with disabilities, but also a rather tiring
route for the pedestrian. It
was this situation of unexploited and unconfigured infrastructure and spaces
that initially aroused my interest in the area of Gouva.
The section of Kanakari Street between the streets Agia Sofia
Street and PoukevilStreet is a relatively new section, the opening of which was
completed in 2017, as part of a more comprehensive plan for the reorganization
and configuration of the main road axes that connect the city center with its
neighboring areas. Apart from the opening of Kanakari, however, the rest of the
plan was not implemented.
The area of Gouva is bounded by some quite
central road axes of the city of Patras, as well as by the hill of Dasyllio.
One could divide it into three sub-regions. The two are surrounded by the hill of Dasyllio and are separated
due to their altitude difference, because of which they are not connected to
each other by roads, but by stairs. The
third sub-area is the part of Gouva outside the hill (between Kanakari Street and
KorinthouStreet). As far as the urban organization of Gouva is concerned, it is disorderly structured. Its unregulated building
blocks consist of residences, except some ground floors in the blocks of flats
that have their entrance atKorinthou Street, many of which are stores. Also, in Gouva there are two school
complexes, as well as the Church of Agios Fanourios.
In 2014, the Municipality started projects for the urban
regeneration of Gouva, with the aim of creating a "Promenade Network"
with sidewalks, cycling paths and common outdoor areas. However, the projectplan was not fully
implemented, with the result that the existing
pedestrian zones were much fewer than originally planned. Thus, the communal and at the same time easy-to-use areas are few
and specifically the following: Gouva’s square, the courtyard of the church of
Agios Fanourios and some landscaped parts of the redevelopment, which, however,
seem either not to be particularly used,
or occupied by cars, due to the lack of parking lots in the area.
Finally, although Gouva is surrounded by the hill of Dasyllio, it does not have
complete paths leading to it, turning the hill into an absolute boundary that
significantly isolates Gouva from the city of Patras.
Although Gouva is located in a fairly central location, it is an
isolated area. Specifically, it is adjacent to the city center and the old part
of the city, as well as to areas where many students live (Agia Sofia, Norman),
who bring life to them. At the same time, of course, it has strict boundaries,
as it is surrounded by central road axes (Korinthou Street, Agia Sofia Street, MikriPerimetriki
Expressway) and the hill of Dasyllio. The above combined with the lack of
functions and activities for the visitor, exceptthe tour in the area, which is
visibly more degraded than its neighboring areas, has led to its establishment as a transitional space. Specifically,
those who move in Gouva, are usually drivers heading to the center or to
Observing the public spaces of Patras, beyond the squares and
green spaces, which are scattered in the neighborhoods of the city, including also Dasyllio, developed is mainly Patras
seafront, in which three main landscaped zones are located. Moving from
northeast to southwest these zones are the following: "Plaz",
"Theatraki" and the "South Park".
The above spaces are functional only when weather conditions allow
it, as they are completely outdoors. On the contrary, the existence of semi-outdoor
spaces, which is completely absent from the city of Patras, would contribute
significantly to the use of its public spaces throughout the year, a need that
exists especially because as a students’ city, many groups and young people are
looking for space for their activities. The creation of a network of public
spaces in the area of Gouva would help to meet this need.
As a city large enough, but at the same time small enough for many
distances to be traveled on foot, the creation of a network of public spaces in
Gouva, seems to satisfy the need to fill a gap in the public space of the city.
Gouva’s location is important for several reasons. Initially, it contributes to
the highlighting of the two natural features that contributed to the formation
of Patras; the mountain (Dasyllio hill) and the sea (view due to the altitude).
Furthermore, Gouva is an area that includes and is surrounded by important road
axes; thus provides ease of access and use of its public space, not only for
local residents, but also for people living in distant areas. The fact that it
is so close to the city center is also positive, because in addition to being a
destination, it can also be a transfer to and from the city center. At the same
time, the intervention will manage the utilization of the two retaining walls
of Kanakari Street. Last but not least, a large fraction of this public
intervention will be from various parts of the city, as the hill and the
technical project are already visible, being a landmark for the area, which will
significantly upgrade it.
So, perceiving Kanakari
Street as a transitional space, which does not provide enough opportunities for
stopping, for all the reasons analyzed above, while taking into account its needs
and the existing public spaces of the city, the proposal emerged to create a
new transitional space for the pedestrian, having the retaining walls as limits.
It includes a horizontal pedestrian street with the length of 950m, accessible
to everybody with a varying distance from the ground surface and with the
possibility of stopping in shaped public spaces of different uses. This network
offers full accessibility to the area, while complementing the public space of
the city and being a landmark that will significantly upgrade the area